ADC Innovators Award

Are you a dairy innovator?

Australia’s premier dairy event is seeking innovative ideas, research projects and scientific-based outcomes to enhance Australia’s dairy industry.

The ADC Innovator Award sponsored by the Gardiner Foundation is seeking fresh and emerging dairy ideas and innovations that impact or have the potential to impact and enhance the Australian dairy industry.

This is an opportunity to profile and highlight your research, on-farm trial or scientific exploration in front of the national industry at ADC 2026.

Innovations and projects must be evidence and/or science based or research backed ideas.

The ADC Innovator Award is an adaptation of the former ADC Young Dairy Scientist Award and extends the opportunity beyond the pure science research spectrum in a broader scope and competition for innovative dairy ideas.

Applications for ADC 2026 are not yet open.

Check out the ADC Innovators Application Pack for more details.

The ADC Innovators Award was formerly known as the Young Dairy Scientist Award and has a long and esteemed history of celebrating emerging research and communication.

Congratulations to the 2025 ADC Innovator Award winner Grant Rogers who introduced his game-changing workplace platform Knowby to the Australian dairy industry. Read more about Grant and his innovation…. 

A big thank you to Award sponsor Gardiner Foundation who continue to provide opportunity through research, development and extension in the dairy industry.

Full conference registration is complimentary to finalists with the winner receiving a financial bursary of $3,000 to extend their professional development. For more information regarding the ADC Innovators Award please contact ADC Secretary Shareena Pearce